Emu Oil Without the Emu

Disclosure: We were given a free bottle of GREEMU Oil by Devonian, distributed by Koru Naturals to review.

I first learned about emu oil back in the ancient times when I would ride past an emu farm to get to school. The emus are quirky, cute, ostrich-like birds, only slightly smaller. The one I liked best I named Elmo. Elmo the Emu.The emus were used for their oil.

The fatty acid make-up of emu oil is essentially the same as that of human skin cells. That is why it is considered a prime product for skin care. Makes sense, right?

The problem with emu oil is that you don’t merely wait for Elmo the Emu to deposit a load of oil in your lotion bottle like you would, for example, wait for an egg. The oil is extracted from the fat of the emu, and, as those of us know who have done more thigh lifts than we care to think about (that’s, like, three for me), the only way to get the fat out is to “extract” it.

In other words, dead Elmo.

Devonian has developed a plant-based product that mimics emu oil. The combination of oils and butters has the same basic lipid profile as that extracted from Elmo the Emu, but Elmo can live on.


It’s called GREEMU. Catchy, ain’t it?

Greemu Devonian Review

GREEMU works for skin and hair, so that’s how we used it.

Without telling my family (and you know, it’s hard to keep secrets in a 30-foot travel trailer), I applied greemu to one side of my face and one hand. Over the course of a few weeks, I asked my family to guess twice which side of my face was being treated. They guessed correctly.

I tried to take a picture for you, but this blogger’s camera s-t-i-n-k-s.

1. The first benefit I noticed was that my skin wasn’t as dry.

2. Next, I noticed that my smile lines around eyes seem to have softened. My son said my skin was softer on that side as well. Perhaps that’s the massaging, perhaps the oil, perhaps I haven’t been smiling enough lately. Whatever the reason, it wasn’t an unwelcome result.

3. Surprisingly, I saw that my “mask of pregnancy” had faded on one side. That was a shocker, and maybe a coincidence. Who knows. I don’t spend a lot of time studying my face, but it was definitely lighter on one side–for how long, I have no idea!

4. I also used it on Eliana’s crazy hair and my own frizz. It calmed our hair until we washed it again.

5. Finally, I used it on Eb’s rash on his back and dry skin under his lip (teething and drool). It may have helped with the rash, but I would need more experiments to know for sure. The dry skin under his lip definitely benefited.

Other products may have had this same effect, but one of the main benefits of GREEMU is the ingredients. They’re tame. In fact, there are only five ingredients:

  • macadamia seed oil
  • organic palm oil
  • shea butter
  • sunflower seed oil
  • rice bran oil

Notice that they are all pronounceable, and, while GREEMU oil is not edible, it comes almost entirely from things you wouldn’t mind eating. That makes me feel more comfortable using it on my little guy. Go here to learn the benefits of each of these ingredients.

Remember, this is oil, and it doesn’t absorb as readily (in my opinion) as lotion, so don’t expect lotion. I don’t lie down soon after applying, because some of it is still there on the surface of my skin. Despite the slower-than-lotion absorption rate, I have to tell you that I really like the feel of it going on–smoooooooth like a good Swiss chocolate. I can’t stop rubbing my face–is that weird?

I intend to test it a bit further. One of my children has extremely dry skin on her hands. Lotion isn’t making a dent. Another has small scars on her face that I want to fade. I’ll update this review if I’ve discovered any improvement. ‘Kay? ‘Kay.
Greemu Devonian Review
(By the way, I don’t agree with the Devonian time period info on the website; plants were created on the third day. Science supports Creation in many ways. Just because I like their oil does not mean I stand behind the comments on their home page.)

Additional Thoughts for My Fellow Travelers:

A little bit goes a loooooooong way. That means you have a whole lotta oil in a small space. Plus, because it offers multiple benefits (skin and hair), it requires fewer bottles than if you had a hair oil and a facial moisturizer.

Finally, the bottle seems sturdy. It is flexible, so it takes the occasional beating fine–we’ve all been down those roads that are so bad they launch our products out of the cupboards and onto the floor!

Read what other reviewers have to say right here:

Greemu Devonian Review

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Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

In honor of National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day (April 12), I created this amazing jalapeño popper grilled cheese sandwich after seeing this juiced-up version on Pinterest. The original uses goat’s cheese and requires me to roast jalapenos. I’m sure it’s totally fantastic, but goat’s cheese is not a part of my current reality. Also, I travel the country in a travel trailer with my hubby and eight kids; I’m not roasting jalapenos.

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwich


My version is simpler, requires fewer ingredients, and is much faster, all making it perfect for The Simple Home. Plus, all my testers loved it…and some of them asked for seconds. After all votes were counted and recounted, it was unanimously announced a keeper!

Ingredients for four sandwiches:

  • eight slices sourdough bread (or try my simple homemade bread)
  • 1 8-ounce package cream cheese
  • 1 12-ounce package bacon (or 16 ounces…ahem)
  • 1 jalapeno
  • 4 tablespoons butter

Ingredients for Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwiches


Directions for making a jalapeño popper grilled cheese sandwich:

1. Cut the bacon into 1-inch pieces and toss it into a frying pan. I use my Cutco kitchen shears and cut it directly into the pan, but, as my teenaged daughter reminded me when I was making this sandwich, my way is not the only way, so do whatever you want, people, but you can’t have my car keys! Fry until done. Remove from pan, but leave at least a tablespoon or so of grease in the pan.  (Or fry first, cool, and crumble.)

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwich

2. Mince the jalapeño. Common precautionary practices for dealing with jalapeños involve wearing gloves. I don’t wear the gloves because I’m smart enough not to touch my face after dealing with a jalapeño…at least I used to be smart enough…until today. Next time I’ll be wearing gloves.

3. Toss the jalapeño into the frying pan with the bacon grease for about 10 seconds, long enough to warm it through. The longer you heat the jalapeño, the more it releases the heat, so keep that in mind.

4. Spread one ounce of cream cheese on each slice of bread. Add a little love.

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

5. Divide the bacon and jalapeño between four slices of bread. Cover each with another piece of bread…to make a sandwich, ya know.

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwich

6. Spread butter on the outside of the sandwiches. This is optional. Okay, it’s butter–it’s not optional.

7. Grill for about four minutes per side. (Times will vary. Don’t leave your masterpiece unattended!) On the road I pop them into a George Foreman indoor grill or “grill” them in the pan where I fried the bacon–its a good way to go. In my old life I used a griddle. You can also use a panini maker, frying pan, outdoor grill, or open fire. You could even “grill” them in the oven!

Adjust everything to your liking and feel free to play with ingredients, but don’t bother trying to go low-fat. Or at least, if you do, don’t tell me about it.

Jalapeño Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwiches go great with homemade tomato basil soup. Don’t they make a cute couple?

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwich via The Simple Homemaker

Here’s the boring printable version:

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Recipe Type: Sandwich
Author: Christy, The Simple Homemaker
Prep time: 12 mins
Cook time: 8 mins
Total time: 20 mins
Serves: 4
Hot, creamy, delicious! This sandwich is everything you could want in a grilled cheese. You can even pretend the jalapeno will fulfill your daily veggie requirements.
  • eight slices sourdough bread
  • 1 8-ounce package cream cheese
  • 1 12-ounce package bacon
  • 1 jalapeno
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  1. Cut the bacon and toss it into a frying pan. Fry until done. Remove from pan, but leave the grease in the pan.
  2. Mince the jalapeno.
  3. Toss the jalapeno into the frying pan with the bacon grease for about 10 seconds to warm it through.
  4. Spread one ounce of cream cheese on each slice of bread.
  5. Spread the bacon and jalapeno over four pieces of bread and make a sandwich using the other piece of bread.
  6. Spread butter on the outside of the sandwiches.
  7. Grill for about four minutes per side. (Times will vary.)

Could you, maybe, make one for me?

What’s your favorite way to do grilled cheese sandwiches?

Did you know that pinning this not only helps you figure out what to make for dinner, but it helps my blog? True story! Thanks for sharing!

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwich


Milton Hershey–More Than Chocolate…If That’s Even Possible!

My family received a copy of Heroes of History- Milton Hershey from YWAM Publishing for review purposes…and for an excuse to eat lots of chocolate–it’s educational, after all! We also received access to a Digital Unit Study Curriculum Guide for the review.

First, a bit about YWAM’s “Heroes” series.


YWAM has two heroes series which they’ve developed over the past two decades. They carefully choose the heroes based on the lessons their lives can teach young (and over-the-hill, like me) readers.


The Christian Heroes: Then & Now series focuses on Cristian missionaries, such as Nate Saint and David Linvgstone. Your children, like mine, will become fast friends with these heroes of the faith.


The Heroes of History series are slightly different. The biographies offer a view of main players in American history, as far back as our old friend Christopher Columbus and as recent as Dr. Ben Carson. I want to share this quote from an email the company sent me, so you can understand how the subjects were selected:


We have included key individuals of historical significance and character in this series. Not all were involved in government and not all are remembered for their personal faith. But all of the characters make a contribution to the series as important representatives illustrating the American story and history. In this series you will find: explorers, pioneers, presidents, inventors, doctors, authors, and heroes in time of war.


So which hero did we choose? You guessed it–Milton Hershey!


Christian Heroes {YWAM Publishing Review}


The book we read is entitled Heroes of History–Milton Hershey: More Than Chocolate, by Janet and Geoff Benge.

I went into this book in my typical my-life-revolves-around-food manner, wondering what kind of contribution could a man like Hershey make to America that was more important than chocolate? I learned two things:

  1. He made a mean caramel.
  2. He was a man who had to pick himself up over and over and over and do a little groveling and work harder than most modern men (men meaning men, women, and children) are willing to do just to fall on his face again…and today he is a household name.

Sticktoitiveness (stick-to-it-ive-ness) is the word I’m looking for here. He had it…and a technique for super creamy caramels.

We learned quite a bit more, but ultimately it’s the character-building we take with us, and not the dates and facts, isn’t it?

A great read…like the rest of the YWAM books.

How did we use this book?

We read this book individually and came together for discussion, but some of the others we’ve read aloud. We’ve also simply placed YWAM books on a shelf and waited for the magic to happen without any direction from us–that works, too, especially when you find a name that already interests your kids or that they hear relatives talking about, like Ronald Reagan or Bonhoeffer or Thomas Edison or Corrie Ten Boom. So many greats!

The digital curriculum guide includes questions for discussion, as well as activities. Our favorite is the timeline and, uh, buying Hershey chocolate and eating it. That last part wasn’t exactly in the study guide, but we like to enhance our studies a bit. Ahem.

Additional Thoughts for My Fellow Roadschoolers:

If you don’t mind small books taking up shelf space, this is one of the few take-it-along book series we highly recommend! It is worth the space–it really is. Also, since the study guides are available digitally (as well as on CD), you can study this on a more intense level (which means more chocolate if you’re focusing on Milton Hershey) without taking up additional space or adding weight to what is inevitably an already weighed down roadschool.

Of course, you have to deal with download issues on the mishmash of crazy internet connections available on the road. Boo. But hey, there’s always Starbucks and the library! (Or, like us, you can download it and use it for a little while and then your whole computer can die and you have to buy a new computer with the money you were going to use to buy glasses, and then you have to download it twice. Whaa.)

Give it a try! (I don’t get any money for telling you this. It’s just a product I really believe in.)

To read what others have to say about the series, please click here or on the banner below:
Christian Heroes {YWAM Publishing Review}

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Apologia’s Writers in Residence Program

Please know that I was given a free copy of Writers in Residence from Apologia Educational Ministries in exchange for my and my daughters’ fair and unbiased review. All opinions are our own.

I want you to meet Emily. Emily is our vivacious and fun thirteen-year-old. She has never met a writing class she liked, which is okay, because I don’t generally use writing curricula in my roadschool.

Another thing you need to know about Emily is that she doesn’t hold back her feelings.

Imagine her enthusiasm (grin) when I handed her Apologia’s new Writers in Residence program and said, “Here, Emily, is a brand spankin’ new writing program for you to use for two months or until the end of time, whichever comes first.”

Duck and run.

Ha ha. Not really. Emily has been an excellent sport about Writers in Residence, and why not? The program is great!

Apologia: Writers in Residence Review

Here’s what we like about it:

The program includes top notch writing samples from writers you will (or should at least pretend to) recognize. This capitalizes on the excellent tactic of learning through the imitation of quality work…no junk.

Interviews from real Christian authors (not real like me, Emily’s mom, but real like someone that you might know or could at least Google) offer a solid, encouraging nudge with a taste of how-I-got-started reality. This guidance from “real” writers goes further than some of the inane things we parents say, like, “That’s great. Let’s send it to Grandma because our fridge is full,” or “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming,” which is my all-time most annoying thing I say when my kids get stuck on something. Lame, I know.

The program tackles grammar as well as writing. A good writer (and anyone else who learns to talk ever) needs excellent grammar skills. While we don’t study grammar formally in our household in the early years, I’m totally comfortable with my seventh-grader working through a grammar program, if only so she can see over and over and over again that, look at that, my mother was right. (Someone’s on her high grammar horse today!)

The writing aspect touches on several main components of the writing process within the six units of  volume I; volume II is in the works. Click here for more details.

The student portion of the course is contained in a single spiral-bound text that the child can write in. (My kids love writing directly in their workbooks, but I always find consumables to be a drawback. As a single-income music missionary family with eight kids, I usually buy only non-consumable products so they can be passed down. Still, this is a great program, and I do recommend a student book for each student, especially if they don’t like writing. Just bite that bullet if you can.)

I like that the program is conversational and student-directed, so Emily can be pretty self-sufficient. That gives me more time to work on other things, like perfecting my omelet-making skills, which is my current craze.

It is already broken up into a four-day schedule. Emily doesn’t follow it exactly as written, but life is like that. Some days your dad says, “Hey, let’s go hiking in the Grand Canyon,” and your writing class has to wait.

For parents who aren’t comfortable with writing process, the answer key offers all the guidance you need for scoring and evaluating.

Here’s what I like best about it:

Emily likes it. ‘Nuf said.

Additional thoughts for my fellow roadschoolers:

The entire program is encompassed within these two books. (One for us–I’m a writer by trade and training, so I don’t use the answer key.) Naturally, your child will want a pencil, because writing in blood is unwise. Otherwise, that’s it–no internet connection, no binders full of pages that tear out and get caught in the slide, no DVDs the baby uses for speed crawling. (Tell me your RV living is like this, too…please…even if you have to lie just a little bit.)

For the value of this program, the space it takes up is minimal.

On the other hand, spiral binding and I are not friends. When something in our lives is moving from trailer to van to church to trailer to dropped down the steps into the mud to forgot to stow and it launched through the air down a bumpy California road, well, you want the sturdiest book you can find, and that usually means hard cover.

Still, it is ideal for a student workbook, and ours has held up remarkably well, although we’ve only had it for six weeks. Normally after six weeks, the cat has spewed a hairball on it and the binding is compromised and the baby has chewed on the corner (not where the cat spewed) and a page or several are missing. So Apologia gets an extra cookie for that!

Honestly, it’s worth the space it will take up. This is another program we’ll continue to use after the review period has ended.

Go here to read reviews from homeschoolers who fall a little closer to “normal” on the normalcy spectrum than we do:

Apologia: Writers in Residence Review
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Filling in the Learning Gaps for Math {A Review}

As part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew, my seven-year-old first-grade daughter Rebecca and I are reviewing two Math Mini-Courses (Time and Money) from A+ Interactive Math. We received free access to two mini-courses for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own…unless they are Rebecca’s, because we don’t always agree…unless it’s about dessert, in which case the answer is always “Yes, please!”

If you’re a homeschool parent who hasn’t been afraid of leaving gaps in your child’s education, you’re the envy of the homeschool community. Of course, we all know that every single education has gaps, and that a truly educated person learns how to fill in those gaps himself as necessary throughout life, but that’s beside the point.

I remember a friend once telling me she was afraid that, if she homeschooled, her kids would be standing at a checkout counter not sure how much money to use to pay for their purchases because Mama had forgotten to teach about making change. Big gap.

That’s where Math Mini-Courses from A+ Interactive Math come in.

A+ Interactive Math offers assessments to identify the gaps in your child’s math education. They then provide 20 separate mini-courses to fill in those gaps. Each course offers affordable access for a full year, although the course should only take two or three months to complete. No more fear of your child not knowing how to make change!

Money Mini-Course

And speaking of making change, the course Rebecca is working through is the Money Mini-Course.

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

Working with a seven-year-old review partner has its challenges. Clarity is sometimes…lacking. Following is the interview I held with her:

Do you like A+ Interactive?

What’s that?

The money course you’re taking on the Behemoth (the family computer).

Oh, yes, I really like it. I get all the answers right all the time except once.

What are you learning?

Nothing. I have no idea what’s going on.

Uhhhhhh…but you get everything right?

Yeah. It’s easy now.

(Five minutes later…)

Mommy, you have three quarters and a penny there, and that’s the same as 76 pennies…just so you know.

How do you know that?

Frog math (A+ Interactive).

Rest assured the child is learning. She proved it when she took all the change out of her tissue box bank, counted it out, added it up, sorted according to value, reorganized in piles totaling a dollar each, tithed, and played store. Not bad for not knowing what’s going on!

Beyond understanding the value of money, there are lessons on budgeting, taxes, commissions, and other topics I wouldn’t have necessarily breached with my seven-year-old, but which she will someday need to know. Pretty nifty, eh? Of course, those lessons are a little harder than the “how many nickles in a dime” conversion lessons.

Fill in Your Child's Math Learning Gaps

What does it take from me?

I have to get her set up and, of course, answer the rare question. Logging on and getting started is a little confusing for her, and the program doesn’t automatically update her results for the report if she doesn’t tell it to. It would be great if getting started with each lesson were a little more automatic.

The lessons themselves only require a small learning curve and then she flies on her own. In fact, the Quick Start Guide reassures, “Relax! You don’t have to teach math or do anything. This program does everything for you.”

It’s true.

Time Mini-Course

The other math mini-course we reviewed is Time.
Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}

It delves into not only how to tell time in hours, minutes, and seconds, but it discusses days, months, years, and seasons. It also deals with more complex topics, such as converting units of time, adding time, and determining how much time has elapsed. (Maybe I should take this course so I can stop counting on my teeth.)


The mini courses are great for filling in gaps that perhaps your math curriculum might leave. We won’t be switching from our current math program, but we definitely appreciate the extra support in our weak areas.

The mini-courses are more in-depth than other math programs I’ve seen on these individual topics. Through our current program we learn the topics, but pursue further study through life experience. That’s fine, too–excellent, in fact–but this is faster and more thorough and leaves fewer gaps right from the start. Real life does offer more practical application, though–duh.

Could we have learned about time and money without a program at all. Of course we could, but remember this quote:

“Relax! You don’t have to teach math or do anything. This program does everything for you.”

As long as Becca can read, Becca can do most of this program on her own.

Fill in Your Child's Math Learning Gaps

While I will never say a computer program is a replacement for a parent, I do appreciate the support now and then. That way Rebecca and I can spend our time together using her newfound money skills buying ingredients to make mother-daughter cookies.

Additional thoughts for my fellow roadschoolers:

While you do need an internet connection to run the mini courses, this program is not a huge data hog. They do offer physical options if internet access and data are continual challenges for you, as they are for us.

Since the courses we reviewed are online, they are light as a feather and takes up a feather’s worth of space.

You can print some extras, or you can complete them right on the computer so you don’t have to unearth the printer and find space for yet more papers. That’s what we do.

For more opinions about Math Mini-Courses from A+ Interactive Math, click this lovely box below:

Math Mini-Courses {A+ Interactive Math Review}


Typing Fingers — Learning Phonics, Writing, and Typing Together

In exchange for our honest review, we received a one-year subscription to Read, Write & Type by Talking Fingers Inc. In the biz, that is known as a disclosure statement. Moving on…

I’m going to be completely honest with you here, because I always am. I did not want to review this product. You know I’m old school. You know I’m not a fan of screens. You know I sniff books and licked paper once–maybe you didn’t know that. Pretend I didn’t say that last part.

But my kids…they’re young. They’re hip. They needed to learn how to type. So I hemmed and hawed and said okay fine we’ll review it. And my kids cheered and I was popular for, like, three minutes until I took advantage of my newfound popularity and said, “Hey, washing dishes is fun! Let’s do it!”

I went into this with a bad attitude–like stinky cheese. After several weeks of watching my seven-year-old type properly and enthusiastically, however, I am sold on the idea that perhaps this method of learning to type is ultimately better than the antique typewriter I wanted them to learn on. Click clack click clack ding…wheeee!

Talking Fingers -- Review of Read, Write & Type

I keep talking about typing, and that is how we are using Read, Write & Type, but this is not merely a typing program. It is a multi-sensory approach to learning to read and write. My seven- and ten-year-olds are quite advanced in those areas, so they didn’t need the help (so far anyway), and our four-year-old isn’t quite ready for this. The idea is, however, to work on those three skills together.

Who would benefit?

This is an ideal program for ESL (English as a Second Language) students to learn English literacy (as opposed to conversational English). The available voice-over assistance includes Arabic, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish and Tagalog.

It would also be great for struggling older learners. In my opinion, if somebody is strong in one of those areas, but not the other two, or struggles in all three areas, they would receive the most bang for your buck.

I don’t like to use screens to teach phonics to little ones, but in the past I’ve had a stalled early reader who took off as soon as I switched to a screen. In that case, perhaps this would be good for a child just learning to read, although then you can’t sniff the book and lick the paper. I didn’t test it with my four-year-old, because her hands are tiny, and…well…I’m old school. She, however, is begging for a turn.

What does it entail?

The program teaches sounds and basic writing as the student learns the location on the keyboard with the assistance of talking hands…or talking fingers. Get it? Because the program is Talking Fingers Inc. You’re a smart one!

 Talking Fingers Inc. Review
It involves games of sorts, too, but nothing highly visually stimulating, and no unrelated games. It all fits together without overstimulating the child.
There is no violence, no motorcycle chases, no pop-culture, no aliens…so far…although there is a virus. Achoo.

Talking Fingers Inc. Review

I think Elijah’s favorite part is the emailing. He informed me that he writes an email letter and it is sent to another child in the program. I didn’t get to witness this and am not sure if he understood it properly; I think at the time I was being attacked by the sweet little bipolar cat we so lovingly adopted…or maybe I was feeding people, because they keep eating! Anyway, don’t quote me on this aspect, because, while I do have eyes in the back of my head, they were napping.

(UPDATE: the email thing is true! He sends a letter and receives a pre-screened (and sometimes edited) letter from another child in the program. Are you aware how fun it is for a boy to type emails about pizza and ice cream and send them to other kids? Very motivating!
Talking Fingers Inc. Review

Kids can earn certificates of merit as they move along. This is pretty motivating for some kids, especially since you can print them out. We live in a travel trailer, though, where extra paper lying around is the enemy, so no printing for us! Still, my littles enjoy the blue ribbons.
Talking Fingers Inc. Review

A talking virus…talking hands…certificates of merit…voice overs…whatever. The kids enjoy it while they are learning to type. That’s what matters to me–that and the lack of anything questionable. I don’t think a talking booger-ish virus is questionable, is it? Nah!

Look! She’s typing! She’s seven!

Despite my initial trepidation, this is one of the curricula items we’ve reviewed lately that we will continue using. My children are definitely improving their typing skills and enjoying it in the process. Thanks Typing Fingers!


Additional information for my fellow roadschoolers:

This program is all online. It is not a terrible data hog, but it does have some moving images and such. Basically, you won’t be streaming video, so it’ll definitely use less data than the big game. If your children need help with phonics and typing, this is a good multi-purpose tool that won’t get scratched up or eat all your data.

Click on the banner to read what other homeschoolers have to say:

Talking Fingers Inc. Review

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Diplomas for Homeschooled Students, a.k.a. The Diploma That Made Me Cry

(Hannah Dear, don’t read this. You’ll find out soon enough.)

Did you hear the screaming? It was me. I was asked to review a diploma from HomeschoolDiploma.com, and I was so excited that I broke through my normally calm exterior (ahem) and got just a leeeeeetle bit loud. Their newest release is the Exclusive High School Diploma, which is beautiful, but I ordered one that was more suited to us, the Personalized High School Diploma. While I received a free diploma (technically, Hannah did), I did purchase a few items as well. All opinions are my own, unless someone effectively whispered their own opinions in my ear while I was sleeping–it could happen.

I’m almost embarrassed by how over-the-top excited I am about the diploma our Hannah Marie received from HomeschoolDiploma.com. 

First, let me yammer a bit. We are often asked how our kids will get a high school diploma if they don’t go to a real school, and if they don’t go to a real school and don’t get a diploma, how will they ever get a job?! I think this is hilarious, because nobody has ever seen my high school diploma, and I have had more than my fair share of jobs.

It isn’t the diploma you need; it’s the education.

That said, a diploma is a nice–very nice–way to represent a major achievement, in this case, the completion of homeschool high school. True, you can make your own, which was our plan, but I’m off-the-wall happy that we went with this beauty from HomeschoolDiploma.com.

Homeschool Diploma from HomeschoolDiploma.com


First, it’s finished. I would still be tweaking and researching and rewriting and tearing out my nose hairs over the whole thing. True story.

Second, look at it! It’s beautiful and very, very professional. I’m proud to give it to our Hannah.

Homeschool Diploma from HomeschoolDiploma.com

We haven’t signed it yet, because I’m scared, but they do have a direction sheet for how to sign it, and there is a replacement diploma available at a fraction of the cost when if we mess this up.

What is the diploma-buying experience like?

There are several basic diplomas to choose from, and you build from there. You simply answer one question after another until you have a unique masterpiece. It’s all simple and self-explanatory, but there are info pop-ups available if you have questions. (I had questions–shocker!)

You can add honors stickers, seals, signatures, handwritten lettering, and all sorts of different alterations that make each diploma truly unique.

You can even create your own family’s embossing seal–very special! That is an excellent option if you do want to make your own diploma.

My favorite part of the one we chose (Personalized High School Diploma) is the choice wording. Since we are more concerned with preparing our children with a solid faith and real life skills than we are with knowing who was 15th in line to the throne of England, I felt this wording was perfect! I got choked up. (I know–I have issues.)

Homeschool Diplomas from HomeschoolDiplomas.com

We even were able to add her confirmation verse.

And the owner of the company–she is a gem! I can’t remember why I was chatting with her, but she was helpful, informative, and as enthused as I am, the poor dear.

It’s not just diplomas!

We also ordered a mortar board (funny hat, as my kids describe it) and a tassel. You can order back dates like we did since Hannah technically graduated in 2015, and we had a baby instead of a party. They are the same quality you get from the “real” schools where they get “real” mortar boards and “real” diplomas that nobody ever sees.

Here it is modeled by the lovely and scholarly Emily Rose:

Graduation Gear from HomeschoolDiplomas.com

Actually, the hat itself was a better quality than our high school and college caps. The tassel is the thin kind–I prefer the thick kind, but the cost of the tassel versus the cost of the education that gave me the thick tassel and lots of debt–well, I’ll take the thinner tassel

The announcements are very high quality, and the wording is beautiful!

Homeschool Graduation Announcements from HomeschoolDiploma.com

We are truly very pleased with our diploma from HomeschoolDiplomas.com. I can’t recommend them highly enough.

Additional thoughts for my fellow roadschoolers:

I have only heard of this happening one time, but a fellow full-time RV family was asked to prove that their children were homeschooled before being able to stay in an RV park. Really? Yes, really. In America?! Yes, America. Crazy I know. I don’t know what else out there is like that. Perhaps some jobs or RV parks or other places of repute actually will want to see a diploma…I dunno. Crazy world, crazy people, crazy requirements.

Anyway, HomeschoolDiplomas.com offers a duplicate version of the diploma you can keep in your important papers safe, as well as the wallet-sized laminated diploma seen here, which is what we bought. For a few dollars more, it gives you peace of mind against all the crazies. That and a Colt 22.

Wallet-sized laminated diploma from HomeschoolDiplomas.com

Go here to read reviews from homeschoolers who don’t get quite so emotional over a pretty piece of paper:

Exclusive High School Diploma Review

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