Wholesome Comfort Giveaway

Meatloaf is my comfort food.  In fact, I am somewhat of a meatloaf connoisseur. You can keep your gourmet meatloaf.  What I love is a great big slice of homestyle meatloaf and a heaping mountain of mashed potatoes.  Gravy?  Yes please!

Wholesome Comfort Giveaway

You can imagine my culinary enthusiasm when I found a meatloaf recipe in Wholesome Comfort, the just-released e-cookbook by Kate of Modern Alternative Mama.  There is meatloaf, and then there is Meatloaf! Kate’s meatloaf recipe is Meatloaf! It’s a taste of home on a plate, a visit back to Grandma’s farm kitchen, comfort food at its finest.

Wholesome Comfort: Whole Foods to Warm & Nourish Your Family is all about comfort food.  Don’t let the word “wholesome” scare you off. These dishes are delicious and nutritious.  They contain whole foods that you will recognize, no chemically laden pseudo-foods, and no ingredients you would have to order from Timbuktu.

Most people who are attempting to transition to a less processed diet fear they must resign themselves to a life without their favorite comfort foods.  Wholesome Comfort totally debunks that fear…totally.

Want chicken and dumplings?  There’s a recipe for that.  Apple spice cake? It’s in there.  Turkey dinner with all the trimmings?  You got it!  Chicken pot pie, macaroni and cheese, chocolate peanut butter fudge?  It’s all in there!  And have I mentioned the meatloaf!?

Check out the table of contents here.

Looks good, doesn’t it?  After trying several recipes (and the meatloaf three times), I can assure you, it is good.  Try it for yourself with a free, easy scalloped potatoes recipe.

Want a copy?

Buy Wholesome Comfort here.

Here’s a great Simple Homemaker perk. TSHM readers can use the code HOME25 to receive 25% off through 1/31/12. Or you can…

Win Wholesome Comfort below.

If you are new to Rafflecopter, simply log on below. Click “Do it” on the entry methods of your choice. Follow the instructions that pop up. Some will take you away from the site, but you must come back and click “Enter” to complete each entry. It’s really quite simple!

Continue reading “Wholesome Comfort Giveaway”

A Glimpse of Christmas and the Smart Sweets Winner

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

We did. Take a peek into The Simple Home over the holidays.

The Simple Christmas

We had our seventh baby on Thanksgiving morning. (That’s the precious little bundle being held by my firstborn.  By the way, don’t let the sweet innocence of that three-year-old princess in the front row fool you.  She spent Christmas Eve morning coloring my white office door blue with a permanent marker while I was on the other side of the door finishing up those PJs she’s wearing.  Life is colorful.)

By now, bringing a new baby into the house is a pretty smooth process. This baby, however, has colic.  Sweet and content as she is is during the day, in the evening she has what my children have termed “her time.”  During “her time” our mild-mannered Baby Jekyl transforms into Miss Hyde.  This involves inconsolable, heart-wrenching screaming…lots of it…and lots of walking and singing for a Mama who just can’t bring herself to let the poor little dear scream it out alone.  

Smart Sweets GiveawayI underestimated the amount of time and energy a colicky baby would require, particularly during the holidays. Walking my baby uses up my productive evening hours (although it gets me out of my morning walk, since “her time” doubles as exercise…in my warped mind.)

Fortunately, my children are amazing with a capital zing! Not only did they handle our lovely Christmas Eve dinner (and I’m not talking toast and popcorn), but they took on the Christmas Day buffet planning, baking, and cooking. (I wasn’t making rolls alone from scratch when I was eight. Were you?) All I did was brine a bird and pop it in the oven. They did everything else. Everything.

Which leads me to this point, the crux of simplifying life in a large family:

Train your children when they are young!

By always having a child or seven working at your side, you will soon have a houseful of capable, willing, and enjoyable helpers who will someday step out into the world perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and others…including you!  But that is a post for another day.

What you really want to know is who won Smart Sweets.

But first…

Remember, if you didn’t win, you can get your own copy of Smart Sweets from Katie at Kitchen Stewardship.

Buy Smart Sweets.

Smart Sweets Giveaway
Drawing the Winning Name

Now…the winner!

The winner is Hannah with this comment/entry:

“I am already subscribed to your newsletter and love reading it!”

Isn’t she sweet?!

Congratulations, Hannah! Enjoy your Smart Sweets!

I wish that all my entrants could be winners.  One of these days I’m going to have something for all of you.

Meanwhile, consider starting your new year with Smart Sweets and enjoy healthier treats in 2012.

Buy Smart Sweets.

Now then, tell me about your Christmas!  Was it wonderful?

TSHM disclosure statement: All Smart Sweets links are affiliate links.  If you buy Smart Sweets through my affiliate link, I will receive a percentage of the sale.  Thanks!  (In case you are wondering, all current TSHM proceeds go toward purchasing math books for my children.  They have requested that you not purchase through my links…the stinkers.)

Smart Sweets Ebook Review

Ever since I delivered baby number seven, I’ve been craving j-u-n-k, JUNK!  I’m talking “bake me a batch of cookies so I can eat them ALL.”  I’m talking “give me a handful of corn dogs with non-organic, nitrate-laden dogs inside and corn syrup-saturated ketchup on the outside.”  I’m talking “break out that chocolate we bought LAST Christmas.”

Smart Sweets Giveaway

We don’t have corndogs, and chocolate does not agree with me (although I totally agree with chocolate), so that left me with eating a batch of cookies all by myself.  I was up for that.

But my baby was not.  As a nursing mother, I try to maintain the same diligence in monitoring what goes into my body after the baby is born as I did before.  That means gobs of sugar are o-u-t, out. But it doesn’t mean the fun foods have to be o-u-t, out.

Smart Sweets to the rescue!

Smart Sweets: 30 Desserts to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth is a real foods dessert cookbook written by Katie Kimball of Kitchen Stewardship.

Smart-Sweets-book-cover_thumbI loved this book even before I tried any of the recipes.  Here’s why:

Information: Katie summarizes real food dessert baking exceptionally well.  She is very open about how healthy (or unhealthy) desserts are, how “smart” each of the different sweeteners are, and what your basic ingredient options are on the road to eating smarter sweets.

Adaptability: Are you gluten-intolerant, dairy-sensitive, or allergic to eggs?  You can still use this book.  Is the only sweetener you have in the house the plain ol’ white stuff?  Your dessert won’t be quite as “smart,” but you can use it.  Each recipe contains tips, alternatives, and frequently asked questions so you can adapt the recipe or baking process to suit your needs or tastes, gradually moving toward more natural sweeteners as your taste buds adapt.  Adaptability is awesome!

honeySymbols: Katie includes symbols to easily and quickly indicate allergen alerts as well as how “real,” expensive, and time-consuming each recipe is.  When you need cookies now…like totally now…the time symbol is crucial.

Ingredients: You can find these ingredients. They’re real, normal ingredients! I am elated!  In fact, most of them are right here in my pantry, and probably in yours as well.  And if they’re not, she offers many alternatives as well as advice on where to find them.

Attitude: Nowhere in the entire book does Katie give you the impression that you need to attain a certain level of “smartness” to feel good about how you feed your family.  She offers a gentle guide to making indulgent food better for you, but gives you options for wherever you are in your journey.  I love that about her.

But what about the recipes?

The recipes assuaged my cravings beautifully, and the family was happy, too.  Here are some quotes from the mouths of my children after eating desserts from Smart Sweets:

“These are fantastic!”

“May I have more…please?”

“I love these. Make them again!”

“This is a great flavor combination.”

“Don’t bother baking them. Let’s just eat the dough.”

cookie_cartoonOne anonymous person who is not a honey fan did not care for the honey flavor in the honey-molasses cookies that the rest of us loved…and then that anonymous person ate the rest of the batch after the family went to bed.  That anonymous person’s words were thereby negated by that anonymous person’s action.

We did have a texture-related incident with a pudding recipe involving arrowroot and forgetting to stir, in which case the words “worms” and “boogers” showed up, but that was the fault of the distracted stirrer (the crazy craver mentioned earlier), and not the recipe.  The flavor itself was great, and it was eaten up…boogers and all.  Had I stirred, all would have been well.

Enough talk!  Do you want to try a recipe from Smart Sweets?  Of course you do!

Download this free recipe for Apple Crisp.

Enough baking! Do you want to win a copy of the ebook Smart Sweets? Of course you do!

Giveaway Closed

Win a Copy of Smart Sweets

To enter, do any or all of the following, and leave a separate comment for each entry:

TN_9-12-07_50cSign up for my newsletter.  Leave a comment that you did so.  If you are already a subscriber, leave a comment saying so, and you will be entered.


TN_11-12-07_27cCheck out the Smart Sweets table of contents.  Come back here and leave a comment about a recipe or anything else that catches your eye. (Did you notice the bonus recipe?)

TN_9-12-07_48cShare this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter or both, and leave a comment for each share. (Feel free to like The Simple Homemaker or follow TheSimpleHome while you’re sharing, although they won’t earn you an entry.)

TN_11-12-07_26gBake the apple crisp and bring it to my house. On second thought, that probably borders on bribery.  Best skip that entry.


If you would rather not wait, you can buy your own copy, download it instantly, and use it today to bake Christmas goodies. The Simple Homemaker readers can use code SIMPLE25 to get a 25% discount on Smart Sweets until December 26.  (It pays to be a TSHM reader!) If you then win the free book, Katie will refund your purchase. (Isn’t she great?!)

Buy Smart Sweets

Happy (and smart) eating! I’m off to make the classic butter cake and eat more pumpkin cookies, all in the name of doing a thorough review!  It’s a tough job.

TSHM disclosure statement: Katie gave me a free review copy of Smart Sweets. (Thanks, Katie!)  That in no way influenced my review or opinion of the book.  (If it had, would I have mentioned the boogers?) In fact, I’m going to buy one of her other books, Healthy Snacks To Go, based both on how much I like this book and also on the Healthy Snacks To Go table of contents and reviews.  The links in this post are my affiliate links. If you purchase a book from Katie through one of my links, I will receive a small commission.  I will not buy corn dogs with it.

Giveaway legaleze: This giveaway is for one ebook (not a hard copy book), which will be available for download.  The giveaway ends Friday, December 16, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. PST.  It is open to anyone over age 13 the world over.  This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Facebook or Twitter.  The winner will be chosen at random and will be notified by email and on this blog.  The winner will have 72 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen…sorry!  


Christ-Centered Christmas – A Book and Fruitcake Review

Christmas Past

As a child growing up, Christmas was the same every year.  We had our Christmas Eve program, dinner buffet at Grandpa’s farm, presents under the tree Christmas morning, cookies for breakfast, church, and back to Grandma and Grandpa’s for Christmas dinner.  The same routine, the same 27 varieties of cookies on my mother’s cookie platter, the same people.  It was predictable, it was tradition, and I loved every minute of it.

Christ-Centered Christmas - Fruitcake

Christmas Present

My man and I have been married for 15 years.  My mathematical prowess tells me that we have therefore been celebrating Christmas together as a family of varying sizes for 15 years.  As a new bride, I rapidly learned that you cannot merely transplant your own family’s traditions, however enjoyable, into your new family.  Consequently, we developed numerous family traditions of our own, some through default and some through a conscientious effort to keep Christ as the focus of our holidays and lives, to keep it simple, and to make valuable memories for our children (and ourselves).

Christ-Centered Christmas

Hal and Melanie Young, whom you may know as the authors of Raising Real Men: Surviving, Training and Appreciating Boys (review coming soon), recently authored an ebook delving into this very topic.  Their book is aptly titled Christ-Centered Christmas: The Ultimate Guide to Celebrating a Christmas Your Family Will Never Forget.

Christ-Centered ChristmasChrist-Centered Christmas shares many of the Young family’s traditions as well as the thoughts behind them.  The authors touch on all aspects of the season, from Advent and decorating, to Epiphany and taking the decorations down, and, of course, everything in between.  Throughout the book they share ways to reduce stress and increase the real joy of the season.  Every part of the Young family’s Christmas season holds traditions that point toward the true meaning of the holiday, and they open their hearts and homes to readers to share those precious moments.

What will you find in Christ-Centered Christmas?

  • history behind some common Christmas traditions—loved this!
  • directions for some homemade decorations
  • treasured family recipes you definitely want to try
  • Advent ideas
  • the true Christmas story and related prophecies
  • the Young family’s caroling traditions and full carols
  • baking organization tips that I will definitely be using this year
  • Christmas Eve traditions, including a menu and recipes
  • recipes for sweets
  • an open and non-judgmental discussion on Santa
  • gift-giving thoughts and ideas
  • Christmas day menu and recipes
  • end-of-season festivities that we will implement this year
  • and more ways to make your Christmas stress-free and Christ-centered

The Youngs don’t merely share their family traditions, but go one step further by showing how you can implement similar traditions in your own home.  They also reveal how you, too, can use all aspects of your Christmas celebration to point toward Christ, encouraging you to give your celebration purpose and everlasting value.

If you have no real traditions and routines at Christmas, you can start with some of the Young Family traditions, menus, recipes, and ideas, and gradually adapt them to your family.  Although I have thoughtfully been implementing traditions of our own for over a decade, I still picked up some great ideas I hope to add to this year’s celebration, not to mention a terrific fruitcake recipe.

Did She Say “Terrific Fruitcake?”

“Mommy, thank you! This is really, really good.  I love it!”

So said my eleven-year-old after eating the fruitcake made from the Young’s recipe in Christ-Centered Christmas.

Technicality alert: My husband, who also loved it, claims it’s not “real” fruitcake, because it wasn’t soaked in liquor and aged for thirty years…which may or may not be a generous paraphrase.  Plus it didn’t make me gag like the last time I had fruitcake. I suppose he’s right, but it’s cake and it has fruit in it.  Cake plus fruit…cakefruit…fruitcake!  All technicalities aside, it’s delicious, so I’m happy!

If you are interested in purchasing Christ-Centered Christmas, the Youngs are offering their new book at an introductory price of $6 this week. Click here to learn more about their book, to read other reader reviews, or to purchase.  Follow the Youngs on Facebook as Raising Real Men and check out their blog for more encouragement.

Buy Christ-Centered Christmas here!

rrmthumbnailTSHM disclaimer…or lack thereof: I am not an affiliate of the Youngs, nor do I receive anything if you purchase from their site.  I believe in their ministry, am very much in agreement with their philosophy, and appreciate their products. They did give me a free copy of Christ-Centered Christmas to review (Thank you!), but that did not influence my opinion.  The fruitcake recipe, on the other hand, did influence my opinion! Did I mention how tasty it is?  Now I’m off to try one of their cookie recipes. 

Excalibur Dehydrator Review – The Great Kitchen Multi-Tasker

I love a multi-tasker.  Not the burning dinner while accidentally tying a small child’s shoes together and helping a teenager mess up an algebra problem kind of multi-tasker.  I love the kind of multi-tasking kitchen tool that can manage numerous tasks with efficiency and style.

One of the great kitchen multi-tasking tools I have is the Excalibur Dehydrator.  If this thing did laundry and I were single, I’d marry it.  Let me tell you why the Excalibur oozes awesomeness.

The Maven of Multi-tasking

While some dehydrators simply dehydrate, the versatility of the Excalibur raises it to the next level.

Of course, it dehydrates.  With the racks in place, the Excalibur can make jerky and other dried goods without all the sweeteners or preservatives in the items you find at the store. The large model can handle up to nine trays of croutons, chips for crisping, soaked nuts, fresh herbs, fruit rolls, grain sprouts, homemade pasta—you name it!

It is also a great tool for crafts.  Preserve flowers, dry photographs, make potpourri, and more.

One perk over the competitors is that this monster can handle a large load all at once with little to no attention from you.  The fan in the back and the square design of the product help circulate the warm air throughout the unit.  This eliminates the need to switch racks repeatedly, or the problem of only partial racks drying.  You may still need to do the occasional switch, but it is a minor task.

Excalibur Dehydrator Review
The Excalibur Drying Our Thanksgiving Stuffing Cubes

Wait, there’s more!  Due to its removable racks, it can also serve as a warming place for whatever kitchen or craft projects you are undertaking.  Two in particular that come to mind are culturing yogurt and holding sourdough at its necessary proofing temperature.  With the racks removed, you can fit a huge bowl of sourdough or nine quart-sized mason jars full of soon-to-be yogurt inside.  You could even set a pan of water inside and use the unit as a humidifier.  I know–I’m in love, too.

Set It, Forget It, You Bet…It

All Excalibur models have temperature gauges that ensure consistent temperatures for the length of the drying period.  Some Excalibur models are equipped with timers that can be set to operate up to 26 hours and will automatically shut the unit off after the allotted time.  By setting the temperature gauge and timer, even the scatterbrained among us can avoid over-drying.

This simplifies the making of potentially touchy items such as yogurt or sourdough.  No more worrying about whether or not the yogurt will maintain the necessary temperature for proper culturing.  No more long waits for sourdough to proof in a cold kitchen.  Simply set the timer and the temperature and walk away.  (Don’t walk away for days if you’re fermenting sourdough. Think “the blob that ate Manhattan.”)

Making Yogurt in the Excalibur Dehydrator Review
Making Yogurt in Our Excalibur

My Positive Take on The Down Side

Appearance: The Excalibur is a big black plastic box, unless you purchase the white version, which is a big white plastic box.  That’s it.  No pretty dancing flowers, no stainless steel doo-dads, no fancy buttons, no radar to detect space aliens.  In fact, it doesn’t look like it should be able to do the fantastic things it does. But looks can be deceiving.  This big ol’ box can really cut the mustard…and dehydrate it as well.

Size: When I say it is a big ol’ box, I mean big!  The size of the Excalibur may leave people in a small apartment wondering where to put it.  This is when it’s time to kick up the creativity.  People keep them in bathrooms, on bedroom dressers, and in their garages.  We keep ours in the laundry room off the kitchen where it is always accessible for our yogurt making fests.  The Excalibur is available in different sizes to accommodate your needs, but I like the monster size, officially known as the 3926T (26T for 26-hour timer).

Excalibur Dehydrator Review
Our Excalibur Lives in Our Laundry Room

Volume: Some people complain that the Excalibur is noisy.  True, it does emit a steady hum when it’s running, but I personally do not find it to be a problem in the least.  Of course, I have six children—who notices a steady hum?!

Durability: Periodically I have read reports of a fan burning out or another technical issue.  I have also heard that Excalibur offers great customer service and will do what they can to honor warranties.  We have no personal experience in this area.  Despite running for batch after batch of yogurt, crispy nuts and seeds, and other goodies, our Excalibur has never had a problem…unlike nearly every other appliance that we own.  If you are concerned, there is the option of purchasing a ten-year warranty with your dehydrator, which comes free with some on-site deals.  Overall, there is a reason why Excalibur has earned its fantastic reputation.

Cost: The Excalibur is expensive.  Period.  Think nearly $300.  Fortunately, there are options to paying full list price.  Online stores such as Amazon often offer some models of the dehydrator at a discount.  Excalibur itself often runs sales or deals, such as offering free gifts or an extended warranty with purchase.  Different models sell for different prices to accommodate each customer’s needs, some barely breaking $100 in price.  Finally, Excalibur often has reconditioned models available on their site at a highly discounted price and still be eligible for warranties.

Extra Products: Some people claim you need to purchase Paraflexx sheets and a dehydrating manual to properly use the Excalibur.  Honestly, while you would need some sort of sheet for fruit rolls, we have yet to use the sheets that came free with our unit through an on-site deal.  We have also found the enclosed dehydrating guide to be sufficient for our first year with our Excalibur.

If you are interested in moving toward a more natural diet, preserving your own foods, making your own yogurt, or, hey, even drying out your sneakers, the Excalibur is a valuable multi-tasking tool.  Now, if only it could fold laundry….

Visit Excalibur to learn more.

Excalibur Dehydrator Review
Lovin' Our Excalibur Yogurt

Do you have an Excalibur (or other) Dehydrator?  What is your favorite way to use it?

Disclosure: If you make a purchase of any sort through the Amazon and Excalibur links on my site, I receive a commission.  You certainly do not need to purchase through my links, but my family and I totally appreciate it when you do!  Totally!  Thank you for reading my Excalibur Dehydrator review.


A Special Offer, Real Food Baby Steps, and our Cookbook Winner

Cookies from Healthy Pregnancy Super Foods

A Special Offer

Our cookbook giveaway has come to a close. My family and I thoroughly enjoyed testing the recipes and reviewing the books.  (We’re still testing recipes!)  We also had a great time reading all your comments.  Thank you to all who participated.

If you did not win (sorry!) and would like a book, you are in luck. Kate at Modern Alternative Mama has offered The Simple Homemaker readers 25% off any or all of her books through November 15. Simply use the code SIMPLE25 at checkout to receive your discount. This makes each book very affordable.  (Think Christmas!)

To buy the books, click here. 

Real Food Baby Steps

If you are further interested in babystepping your way to better health through real foods, check out this list of baby steps from Erin at The Humbled Homemaker, guest-posting at Modern Alternative Mama.  It is a list very much in line with The Simple Homemaker’s Simple Health Philosophy.

Click here to read the baby steps list.

Cookbook Winner

Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for!

Wait, did I ever tell you about the time…oh, sorry.

Drum roll please…

Congratulations, Sarah P.! You won all four e-cookbooks with your Facebook share comment.  I hope you and your family enjoy your adventure in eating!

(The winner was chosen through Random.org.  You may verify it through this link.  I am neither tech-savvy or motivated enough to try to rig the system, so all was fair.)

Remember, my dear readers, you have through November 15 to use the code SIMPLE25 to get 25% off any of the books at Modern Alternative Mama.

Click here to buy the books. 

Disclosure: This is my affiliate link. I receive a small percentage of each sale. You do not need to use my affiliate link to purchase…but I sure think it’s swell when you do!

Cookbook Giveaway: Four Real Food E-cookbooks

***Giveaway Closed***

Cookbook GiveawayYou’ve read the review…or haven’t you?

Click here to read my honest (and you all know I’m honest) review of all four of Kate’s (Modern Alternative Mama) real-food e-cookbooks, including Real Food Basics, Against the Grain, Healthy Pregnancy Super Foods, and Treat Yourself.

Okay…you’ve read the review so…

Now for the cookbook giveaway!

If you would like to win ALL FOUR of Kate’s ebooks, please follow the instructions below.  The giveaway ends on 11-11-11 at 11:11 p.m. PST, so get your comments in before then. Each entry must be a separate comment to count!

Mandatory entry:

Visit Modern Alternative Mama and let me know which book or recipe you would most be interested in trying.  (Click on any of the four books in the right sidebar of Kate’s page to find out more about each one.  You must come back here to comment.)

Extra entries:

1) Sign up for my newsletter and comment here that you did so.  This means you will receive blog posts usually two to three times per week, and an occasional “monthly” newsletter. Existing subscribers, just note that you are already a subscriber and you’ll get an entry. Sweet!

2) Share this giveaway anyway you like, and comment here each time you do so.

(It is against Facebook regulation to require a “like” for an entry, but I would love it if you liked The Simple Homemaker Facebook page anyway. Sorry I can’t give you an entry for it, but we have a lot of fun over there! No cookies, though…sorry.)

If you don’t win, you can buy the books at a savings.  Kate has made them even more affordable by offering a 25% discount to The Simple Homemaker’s readers.  Simply use the discount code SIMPLE25 at checkout to save 25% off any or all of the Modern Alternative Mama ebooks through November 15, 2011. I know—cool!

I hope whoever needs them most wins the cookbook giveaway!

Disclaimer: While I bought my own copy of Treat Yourself, I was given free review copies of the remaining three books.  That in no way (that I am aware of) influenced my review.  All reviews were passed through my family for approval, since we were all involved in testing the recipes. 

Legalese: This giveaway is open to anybody anywhere with Internet access.  The prize of four ebooks is being supplied free of charge by Kate at Modern Alternative Mama.  The giveaway ends on 11-11-11 at 11:11 p.m. PST.  The winner will be selected by Random.org and will be announced on 11-12-11 unless I am in labor.  The winner will be notified by email and will have one week to respond before a new winner is chosen.  Odds are determined by how many people enter.  (Ironically, you will decrease your chances by sharing this giveaway, while simultaneously gaining another entry and increasing your chances of winning—life is weird that way.)