Are you Itching to Write an Ebook?

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. That means if you buy this product through my links, I receive a portion of the proceeds at no cost to you. I bought this product myself, and I like it, which is why I’m sharing it with you. I like sharing with you…but don’t ask me for my cookies.

If you want to skip my review of From Idea to Ebook and jump right to the product page, make sure you go armed with my coupon code SIMPLE5 for $5 off, making this ten-week course and lifetime access only $12.

Jump to the product page. Jump!

I’m focusing on ebooks next week, including some super deals (like a mega-bundle of $800 worth of ebooks and bonuses for under $30), organizational tips, and gifting strategies. But those posts are for people who want to read ebooks. This one is for people who want to write ebooks…people like me…and maybe you…but definitely me. Here’s why.

My story:

Six years ago I wrote an ebook, and it sat and it sat and it sat on my computer, never going anywhere. Pbbbth. I had no idea what to do with it after writing it, so the poor ol’ thing just sat. Meanwhile, ebook ideas flitted in and out of my head like caffeinated fruit flies, but I couldn’t catch any of them. I sure could have used this:

An Online Course to Help Make Your Ebook a Profitable Reality

I can write, but I need help making the ebook happen. That’s why I snagged this 10-week online course. I’m not good at sticking to a ten-week anything, so the clincher for me was the lifetime access to the course resources.

I really don’t like spending money, but I even more don’t like (did I say I could write)…I like even less the pile of ebook ideas sitting forlornly on my desktop. I figured $17 was a small price to pay to unleash my crazy ideas on the world…and with my discount code SIMPLE5, you bring the price down to $12. 

Plus there’s a money-back guarantee, and those always give me a warm and fuzzy. Ah, warm and fuzzy.

What do you receive for $12?

You receive lifetime access to the ten-week course which includes everything you need to come up with an idea, write it, develop it, and market it, including working with affiliates. I’m only on week three, but to me it seems far more effective than letting an ebook or pile of ideas languish on my desktop.

I’m using it for myself, but I’m also using it as a homeschool course for my teens. I can’t wait to see what they write and how well they market it to add to their college funds.

You know, I’d tell you more, but if you’re truly interested, you can check out more info and the table of contents here, and if you’re not interested, you haven’t even read this far…so I’m talking to myself. Hello again, Self. How’s it goin’? Oh, fine. And you?

The discount code is good today only, October 31. If you’re interested, or you know someone who might enjoy this as a Christmas gift, hurry scurry over with discount code SIMPLE5 to get the ebook ball rolling today!

Get started on your ebook right now!

Do you have an ebook idea bouncing around in your head?