Fitting in Fitness on the Road with 7 Kids and a Dog

I am not a fitness expert. In fact, even though I was my high school valedictorian, I failed gym class in college. Life is funny like that. (You didn’t know that, did you, Mom? Surprise!)

Here’s why I failed. Consistency, which is sometimes the same as boredom. The class required me to come to the same room in the same building the same three days every week and do the same things on the same machines that always smelled the same…and that was not a good same smell, if you know what I mean.

Fitting in Fitness on the Road - Creative Ways to Exercise Anywhere

Some people thrive on that…and they look buff. I don’t thrive on that…nor do I look buff. But I am trim and active. That’s nothing to scoff at, since I also turned 40 last week and have birthed seven children, and no, I’m not the type who gets the cute little pregnancy bump in front. I’m the type that hears, “Are you sure they’re not twins?” or my personal favorite, “It’s like you’re pregnant in front and in back.” Smack!

To add another dimension to the challenges of exercising, as my longtime readers know, we live in a travel trailer as we tour the country with my husband’s music mission.

Oh that’s right! They live in a trailer! How does she exercise? How does she stay sane?

We’ll take the sanity question another day, but the exercise question I answer at The Humbled Homemaker where I discuss my four basic principles that apply to exercise and almost every other aspect of my life, and I show how that plays out in my everyday life.

Fitting in Fitness on the Road with 7 Kids and a Dog |

Just so we get the imagery straight, we’re not actually exercising ON the road, as in ON the dotted yellow lines…but you understood that, right? I thought so.

Click here to read the rest of the story. 

Great deal alert:

Real Food Basics for only $2.50.As part of our fitness regime, we eat healthy…the good healthy, not the rice cakes and diet coke healthy, not the grapefruit diet healthy, not the cabbage soup for 14 days healthy, not the no ice cream EVER healthy. Blech! We generally eat “real” unprocessed food. Yum! 🙂 And we keep it simple in the process.

Here’s a terrific deal on the second edition of Real Food Basics, a guide for getting started on real foods. If you have the first edition, you receive the second edition free. For the rest of you, this is releasing for two days only (Monday and Tuesday, January 4 and 5, 2013) at $2.50. On Wednesday it jumps up to $5, and on March 1 it will hit its regular price of $7.95. You can do the math. It’s a great deal for 98 pages of real food hand holding. Use the code REALFOODLAUNCH.

Read my mini-review here.

Buy Real Food Basics for only $2.50 here!