Cookbook Giveaway: Four Real Food E-cookbooks

Cookbook Giveaway

***Giveaway Closed***

Cookbook GiveawayYou’ve read the review…or haven’t you?

Click here to read my honest (and you all know I’m honest) review of all four of Kate’s (Modern Alternative Mama) real-food e-cookbooks, including Real Food Basics, Against the Grain, Healthy Pregnancy Super Foods, and Treat Yourself.

Okay…you’ve read the review so…

Now for the cookbook giveaway!

If you would like to win ALL FOUR of Kate’s ebooks, please follow the instructions below.  The giveaway ends on 11-11-11 at 11:11 p.m. PST, so get your comments in before then. Each entry must be a separate comment to count!

Mandatory entry:

Visit Modern Alternative Mama and let me know which book or recipe you would most be interested in trying.  (Click on any of the four books in the right sidebar of Kate’s page to find out more about each one.  You must come back here to comment.)

Extra entries:

1) Sign up for my newsletter and comment here that you did so.  This means you will receive blog posts usually two to three times per week, and an occasional “monthly” newsletter. Existing subscribers, just note that you are already a subscriber and you’ll get an entry. Sweet!

2) Share this giveaway anyway you like, and comment here each time you do so.

(It is against Facebook regulation to require a “like” for an entry, but I would love it if you liked The Simple Homemaker Facebook page anyway. Sorry I can’t give you an entry for it, but we have a lot of fun over there! No cookies, though…sorry.)

If you don’t win, you can buy the books at a savings.  Kate has made them even more affordable by offering a 25% discount to The Simple Homemaker’s readers.  Simply use the discount code SIMPLE25 at checkout to save 25% off any or all of the Modern Alternative Mama ebooks through November 15, 2011. I know—cool!

I hope whoever needs them most wins the cookbook giveaway!

Disclaimer: While I bought my own copy of Treat Yourself, I was given free review copies of the remaining three books.  That in no way (that I am aware of) influenced my review.  All reviews were passed through my family for approval, since we were all involved in testing the recipes. 

Legalese: This giveaway is open to anybody anywhere with Internet access.  The prize of four ebooks is being supplied free of charge by Kate at Modern Alternative Mama.  The giveaway ends on 11-11-11 at 11:11 p.m. PST.  The winner will be selected by and will be announced on 11-12-11 unless I am in labor.  The winner will be notified by email and will have one week to respond before a new winner is chosen.  Odds are determined by how many people enter.  (Ironically, you will decrease your chances by sharing this giveaway, while simultaneously gaining another entry and increasing your chances of winning—life is weird that way.)

51 thoughts on “Cookbook Giveaway: Four Real Food E-cookbooks”

  1. I am very interested in the Super Food Smoothies from the Real Food Basics cookbook. Sounds like something that my children would really enjoy. I signed up for your mailing list also.

  2. I am most interested in against the grain since I’m trying to drastically cut back on our grain consumption. I have sharedthis on facebook. Glad to find your site.

  3. This is lovely! As a homemaker-in-training I would love to win these. 🙂 Thank you for doing this.

    As I dearly love chocolate (not always a good thing), I think I should like to try the Mocha Gelato recipe. 🙂


  4. Against the Grain sounds amazing with so many great recipes to choose from! I’m always up for a brownie recipe 🙂 I’ve had to be gluten free for four years and I’m in a rut for different dinner ideas.

  5. I’m already a subscriber. 🙂

    I posted on my facebook page your contest.

    I am torn between the Real Food Basics (I love the fried chicken, sausage gravy or smoothie recipes.)and Against the Grain (Seafood Bisque sounds quite yummy and I’d make the Beef Jerky for my son-in-law when he deploys again in December.)

    Thanks Christy for the contest!

  6. Hi, I’d love to try out Healthy Pregnancy Super Foods… or maybe Real Foods Basics. We love to cook, and we’re trying to make more foods ourselves instead of relying on processed varieties. Thanks!

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