This week’s Twelve Weeks of a Simple Christmas mission revolves entirely around cards. If you don’t do cards, you’re finished. Congratulations!
This is short and sweet…for once.
If you haven’t yet, take your family photo. Consider taking it while everyone is together over Thanksgiving weekend and can peek at digitals to decide on a favorite.
Regarding cards, there should be some incredible online sales over the next couple of days, so keep your eyes open.
That’s that. Say cheese and get moving!
(Since this week’s mission was so quick, what do you say to whipping up a batch of Christmas cookie dough and popping it in the freezer? I say that’s just brilliant. Cookies…brilliant.)
Accountability Time
Let’s talk turkey…or stockings. I am still perfecting my gift list, haven’t bought wrapping paper, and didn’t do anything with my decorations. That said, my decorations were put back very wisely last time, and I only have a tiny bit, since we only have a tiny trailer.