Please read: To help a fellow mother who was recently widowed, I am joining with other bloggers who are introducing you to Mae’s Handcrafted Natural Soap. Because we live on the road full-time, I have not been able to receive a sample of the soap to review personally. The following information is based on reviews done by other bloggers who have tried the soap and know Mae personally, and a bit is based on personal research.
To enter the giveaway, please scroll down past the review.
To read Mae’s story written by one of her close friends, please scroll down past the giveaway.
Reader, Meet Mae’s Soap!
I have an on-again, off-again relationship with handmade soap. When I have it, I use it and I love it. When I run out, I don’t use it, and I’m bummed…but not so bummed that I stop using soap, so you can still stand downwind of me. I love handmade soap. I love the colors, the smells, the textures, and the ingredients.
I also love that it doesn’t have a lot of nasties in it. I don’t totally wig out over nasties in our soap (because wigging out over anything is not part of my simple philosophy), but when I have the option, I go nasty-free. It makes me happy, and I like to be happy. So there you go.
I just learned about Mae’s Handcrafted Natural Soaps that have no nasties. What I found interesting is that Mae uses real tallow in her soap. My knowledge of tallow is limited to candle making in the Little House books, so I did a little research at a site called (There is now officially a website for everything.)
Wow! Tallow rocks the soap-making world! Tallow soap lasts longer than a regular bar of soap, is non-allergenic, doesn’t get slimy in the shower, and moisturizes the skin. Tallow has a number of other benefits as well, but hey, did you read the part about not getting slimy in the shower? What more could you ask for!
Mae uses other gentle, pure ingredients as well. To ensure a more luxurious lather from her soaps, Mae adds coconut oil. Olive oil is soothing for the skin, so, naturally, Mae has popped that in there, too! Lightly scented with essential oils, Mae’s soaps reportedly leave you smelling fresh, but you won’t knock anyone out with an overwhelming aroma when you waft past them.
And look how pretty!
Want some? Yup, so do I.
Reader, Win Mae’s Soap!
You can win one of six $25-gift certificates to select your favorites from Mae’s Natural Handcrafted Soap. Enter the Rafflecopter below (if it isn’t there, just click the link).
Reader, Meet Mae!

Mae’s husband had been out of work for a year, living off of a small military pension. The family, understandably, had to cut back on expenses – one of which was their life insurance policies. His sudden death now leaves Mae and their son with very little income (less than a couple hundred dollars a month). Because of different personal situations, she is currently ineligible for benefits like Social Security. Mae homeschools their son, and, thanks to The Home School Foundation, she will receive a grant to cover homeschooling supplies and curriculum. She is asking the Lord to provide for her son and herself through her small businesses, one of which is making soaps and other body products.
As you can see, the situation is dire for this sweet widow and her son, but we know that God is able to do more than we could ever think, or ask (Eph. 3:20), and we hope that you will consider joining up with us to help our dear friend by supporting her business.
We’re asking you, dear readers, to seriously consider the call of James 1:27—to care for widows and orphans and consider Mae’s Handcrafted Natural Soaps for your next soap purchase.
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1: 27
Anyone who knows Mae is touched by her. She is an incredibly godly woman, who acts as a Titus 2 mentor to those who know her. She is loved dearly and we want to do all we can to support her during this incredibly difficult time! Please pass this on by sharing this giveaway on Facebook and Twitter.
A big thank you to all the bloggers participating:
Ann @
Anne @ Authentic Simplicity
Tara @ Everyday Ramblings of My Life
Jill @ Jill’s Home Remedies
Sara Elizabeth @ A Mama’s Story
Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife
Renee @ I Am The Clay
Del @ Devote & Seek
Jill @ Blessed Beyond a Doubt
Rebecca @ Rebecca’s Ramblings
Hilary @ Accidentally Green
Marci @ Amazing Graze Farm
Susan @ Learning and Yearning
Erin @ The Humbled Homemaker
Justyn @ Creative Christian Mama
Chelsea Rebecca @ For Unmarried Christian Women
Chelsea Rebecca @ Hearts for Home
Paula @ Whole Intentions
Amy @ A Heart Surrendered Blog
Bambi @ In the Nursery of the Nation
Dana @ Clan Chris Dean
Kristen @ Smithspirations
Caroline @ The Modest Mom Blog
Alicia @ Walking In Faith
Stephani @ The Cheapskate Cook
Amber @ Homemaker by Choice
Marci @ Thankful Homemaker
Katie Sullivan @ Brighton Park Blog
Anjanette @ Raising the Barrs
Pam @ Mom Does Reviews
Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage
Stacy @ Something Whimsical
Natalie @ Visionary Womanhood
Paula @ Beautiful Life of Joy
Rachel @ Of Love and Beauty
Reagan @ The Arsenal
Kelly @ Generation Cedar
Kelly @ Practical Savings
Stacy Karen @ A Delightful Home
Kristen @ Five in Tow
Diana @ A Little Bit of Spain
Elizabeth @ Yes They Are All Ours
Jacque @ Deep Roots at Home
Karrilee @ Abiding Love, Abounding Grace
Karrilee@ Blessed Memories Scrapbooks by Karrilee
Shawnee @ The Apronista
Adrienne @ Whole New Mom
Janine @ True Aim Education
Kathryn @ Singing Through the Rain
Alicia @ Fun Reviews and Giveaways
Deborah @ A Delightful Glow
Stephanie @ The King’s Bookworm
Christy @ The Simple Homemaker
June @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
Shadedlily @ With Them
Joy @ Artful Homemaking
Thanks for the intro to a special person. Her penguin-shaped soaps in the blackberry-sage scent are top of my list. But the after reading her blog entry “It was just an ordinary day”, that’s really all I’m thinking about.
She’ll touch your heart.
I just posted a link on our Facebook page!
Thank you, Chaya.