In honor of spring, Mother’s Day, my children, cookies, kittens, and _________ (fill in the blank), I am launching a series of posts about babies. (I’ll still be posting on other topics, so don’t run away if babies bore you or you’re grossed out by the bodily fluid factor.)
I’m starting the series with a guest post on The Humbled Homemaker’s Natural Phenomenon series, where I share my experiences having relatively natural births in relatively unnatural settings.
While I believe a successful delivery ultimately means the baby that was previously on the inside is now on the outside and wasn’t dropped in the process, birthing has, unfortunately, been made to seem far more complicated than that. The result is that too too many of us mamas fret over the birth, many of us because we hope to go as natural as possible, whether at home, in birthing centers, or in the car on the way to the hospital.
In my post I share how you can have a simple, natural birth in a hospital (I’ve had 7), but, just as importantly (if not moreso), I stress that you should not stress! Your birth will not be exactly as you envision it. It will not. Accept that, and you’ve removed a tremendous amount of unnecessary emotional clutter from your life. Remove another heavy load of clutter afterward by not rehashing and second-guessing every choice you made during the delivery. Simply put, don’t emotionally overcomplicate the process and your expectations, and you’ll have more time to savor the sweet smells, sounds, and snuggles of your new blessing.
Read How to Achieve a Natural Birth in a Hospital: A Tale of 7 Natural Hospital Births.
I am also hosting a myriad of baby-related giveaways over the next few weeks. I love doing giveaways! I have a huge backlog of great things to give you groovy people. Why the holdup? Because I thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly review each product before telling you about it. If I don’t like it, I’m not going to give it to you or tell you to buy it!
That reminds me of my children: “This tastes disgustin’, Mama. You can have it.”
Our first giveaway begins on Monday. It is a new ebook by Modern Alternative Mama, entitled Breast to Bib. It is a cookbook and comprehensive parent’s guide to help simplify feeding baby from birth through the toddler years. It isn’t too complicated and reaffirms several of my own beliefs (so it’s gotta be good, right?).
Our next giveaway is a fantastic nursing smock that totally makes me look like a movie star. (Stop laughing. I have photo documentation.)
Our final baby-related giveaway is for a Moby Wrap valued at $45. You heard right! So tell all your friends to subscribe to The Simple Homemaker for the heads-up on giveaways, to sign up for the wrap, and to give it to you if they win.
All giveaways will be announced in the site updates, so subscribe today in the right sidebar (free as always)!
If you’re interested in the natural side of birthing, check out The Humbled Homemaker’s informative Natural Phenomenon series. If you’d prefer to be strung up on a fast-moving ceiling fan by your toenails wearing nothing but your skivvies in a room full of bullies from your high school years rather than deliver naturally, no worries! It is never my intention to make people feel guilty (or afraid) for having differing opinions or preferences, particularly on topics that have no definite right or wrong. Guilt is the antithesis of simple, and this is a guilt-free zone. Guilt-free, my friends! And you’ll find that The Humbled Homemaker’s series shares this same view. To quote her latest post: “Give yourselves grace, mamas—and do the best you can.” Click on the banner below to be beamed over to her series.
Yay! I love babies! That’s why I’m having one. 🙂
PS – That was a FABULOUS article at Humbled Homemaker.