What You Can Eat on a Corn-Free Diet

Corn-Free Diet

It seems everybody knows someone who can’t eat something.  As I type, five people in my family of nine are on restricted diets for one reason or another, and the rest are allowed almost no processed foods because they have a mean mama. (Insert maniacal laugh here.)

Corn-Free Diet
My corny kids eating corn. (I know, that was a corny joke. And another one!)

Dietary restrictions (and a mean mama) have the potential of making life anything but simple.

Because of some of the dietary challenges affecting my family over the past couple of years, I was invited to post about a corn-free diet at The Humbled Homemaker.  While I am not a dietician, doctor, or nutritionist, I do have a couple unique perspectives on dietary restrictions.

Corn-free Diet 1) I hate ’em.

Corn-free Diet 2) I approach them as simply and realistically as possible.

And that is what I share with you over at The Humble Homemaker today–not so much the hating part, but the simple approach to tackling a corn-free diet.

You can thrive and keep life simple with dietary restrictions.  You truly can.

Pop on over to The Humbled Homemaker.  You’ll love that gal!  She’s a gem!

Click here to Visit The Humbled Homemaker.


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